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Expensive Homes Near Wendel, CA

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Wendel, CA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 36 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$793,100Lake Almanor Peninsula, CA / 260
2.$597,500Valley Ranch, CA / 119
3.$593,800Twain, CA / 67
4.$587,600Lake Almanor West, CA / 363
5.$587,500Milford, CA / 47
6.$546,700Lake Almanor Country Club, CA / 768
7.$539,000Plumas Eureka (Historical), CA / 234
8.$528,800Mabie, CA / 165
9.$503,700Mohawk Vista, CA / 167
10.$454,500C-Road, CA / 268
11.$424,600Graeagle, CA / 911
12.$380,500Janesville, CA / 1,204
13.$332,500Hamilton Branch, CA / 532
14.$330,800East Shore, CA / 298
15.$321,200Cromberg, CA / 119
16.$275,600Johnstonville, CA / 519
17.$271,800Quincy, CA / 1,529
18.$270,800Spaulding, CA / 172
19.$242,500Clear Creek, CA / 168
20.$237,500Litchfield, CA / 103
21.$236,900Greenhorn, CA / 203
22.$204,800East Quincy, CA / 2,706
23.$203,400Portola, CA / 3,042
24.$201,500Taylorsville, CA / 122
25.$196,300Loyalton, CA / 892
26.$195,300Greenville, CA / 994
27.$188,800Susanville, CA / 17,460
28.$174,000Calpine, CA / 122
29.$168,200Westwood, CA / 1,078
30.$152,900Delleker, CA / 560
31.$147,900Doyle, CA / 372
32.$116,100Patton Village, CA / 488
33.$113,700Beckwourth, CA / 415
34.$100,900Iron Horse, CA / 273
35.$97,800Chilcoot-Vinton, CA / 607
36.$74,600Sutcliffe, NV / 251

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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